Pipeline Operator

The pipeline operator <| pipes the value from an expression into a function. This allows any single-argument function to be written as:

function add2(num) => num + 2;
var result = add2 <| 6; // result = 8

This is equivalent to:

function add2(num) => num + 2;
var result = add2(6); // result = 8


function <| expression

A common case for such syntactic sugar would be when chaining multiple functions.

function add2(n) => n + 2;
function mul2(n) => n * 2;
// without pipeline operator
var a = add2(mul2(mul2(add2(mul2(4)))));
var b = add2 <| mul2 <| mul2 <| add2 <| mul2 <| 4;
println(a); // 42
println(b); // 42
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